Saturday, May 17, 2008

Celebrate Originality with Adidas

Alright, a few posts ago, I reviewed a Facebook effort from Adidas (with Diesel) that wasn't doing as well. I presumed it to be due to a lack of incentive. I might be wrong. Adidas has another incentive-less UGC campaign on Facebook that's doing quite a bit better.

How much better? Well, already, it has almost 28,000 fans. So what is this page doing right that the other Adidas one wasn't. I'd say it has a more engaging UGC effort. The "83 ways" app asked for users to upload 83 different pieces of content (whereas most would only ever create one, if any). Here, users are asked to upload just one video. There are already a few videos seeded that capably entertain.

Another thing: The discussion boards also have recent activity, which shows how fresh this page is remaining. Like the other page, there's a widget. This one has far more many installs though, around 7,000. There's also a neat little app that lets you "stitch" a piece of original art to share with the world. It many not compare to the Grafitti app, but at least Adidas is showing a bit of Originality here.

Check out Adidas Originals

Now this is the part that drives me crazy. Here we have two different Adidas efforts, with no links to each other. I took a quick check to see if there were any other Adidas pages. Lo and behold, I found the main Adidas page. With over 46,000 fans. Funny thing is, there's nothing for people to do here. A little bit of posting (with several from today). But that's it. Of course, there's no links to any other Adidas page. Really, it doesn't matter which agency did which effort, Adidas has to integrate its efforts to maximize their potential. One link to Adidas Originals could double the number of fans, and get more contributions. This is where the NBA Facebook campaign got it right: The NBA's main Facebook page linked to other NBA Facebook pages.

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